Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What should Obama do with McCrystal?

First of all he should regard this as a gift.

Second he should fire McCrystal.

And third he should comb the available replacements for someone who understands that politics always trumps military.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helen Thomas

What do I think about the Helen Thomas fiasco?  Whatever may be anyone's opinion, the Jews living in Israel/Palestine (choose your political slant) are not going to leave voluntarily.  Getting rid of Israel would require a massive blood bath of unparalleled proportions.  If you want that, then I don't understand.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


A recent news item seems to think that the Afghan war is nothing more than an extension of the almost constant war between India and Pakistan.  Geographically this makes sense.  The Taliban are people sent in to infiltrate from Pakistan.  This is all quite logical.

Of course that means we are fighting on the Indian side while heavily subsidizing the Pakistani military.  I think it is best to stay out of things you really don't understand at all.

This also probably means Al-Qaeda is an arm of the Pakistani military as well. Remind me again what we are doing there.