Thursday, November 5, 2009


I was entertained by the exchange between the Pakistani ambassador and Hilary Clinton. As everyone knows, we have been heavily subsidizing the Pakistani military for decades. The only reason we would do this is so that they could support our military objectives. Why else? We are giving them money because they are so much nicer than others? Give me a break. We are giving them money so they can invade India? I don't think so.

So the US has gotten a bit bold with them and pointed out that our enemies have been living and operating with impunity within the borders of Pakistan. We would like it if they would please use some of this money we have been giving them to hunt down Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

So the ambassador said we were "interfering in the internal affairs of Pakistan."

Cute. So Hilary says they may of course feel free to just refuse to take the money. You don't like the strings, don't take the money. Easy decision. Love it. That's my girl.