I will probably talk around the edges of this issue, but here goes.
On the one side is a bunch of people who want to get married and aren't allowed to. For these people this is extremely important, vital to the daily experience of their lives.
On the other side is a bunch of people for whom this whole issue is basically meaningless. They don't really know any gay people and would prefer that they never did. If somewhere there are gay people marrying, their lives will be completely unaffected. Unless they own a wedding store where their business will prosper. Their children might find out this is happening. Well, guess what? They will anyway. This group wants to cause suffering to other people just to feel that their fantasies are true.
Probably prop 8 isn't any more legal than the previous proposition that the supreme court overturned.
My recommendation is to get over it. Grow up and move on.
This is a lot more straight forward than I imagined it would be.